Source transformation is simplifying a circuit solution, especially with mixed sources, by transforming a voltage into a current source, and vice versa. Finding a solution to a circuit can be difficult without using methods such as this to make the circuit appear simpler.
The circuits in this set of problems consist of independent sources, resistors and a meter. In particular, these circuits do not contain dependent sources. Each of these circuits has a series-parallel structure that makes it possible to simplify the circuit by repeatedly
Performing source transformations.
Replacing series or parallel resistors by an equivalent resistor.
Replacing series voltage sources by an equivalent voltage source.
Replacing parallel current sources by an equivalent source source.
Source transformations are easy to perform as long as there is a familiarity with Ohm's Law. If there is a voltage source in series with an impedance, it is possible to find the value of the equivalent current source in parallel with the impedance by dividing the value of the voltage source by the
value of the impedance. The converse also applies here: if a current
source in parallel with an impedance is present, multiplying the value
of the current source with the value of the impedance will result in the
equivalent voltage source in series with the impedance.
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