Thursday, December 25, 2014

"Impedance Combinations"

 Now that we've seen how series and parallel AC circuit analysis is not fundamentally different than DC circuit analysis, it should come as no surprise that series-parallel analysis would be the same as well, just using complex numbers instead of scalar to represent voltage, current, and impedance.

Being a series-parallel combination circuit, we must reduce it to a total impedance in more than one step. The first step is to combine as a series combination of impedances, by adding their impedances together. Then, that impedance will be combined in parallel with the impedance of the resistor, to arrive at another combination of impedances. Finally, that quantity will be added to the impedance  to arrive at the total impedance.


In this chapter we learn about series-parallel combination circuit Ac Analysis are the same with Dc Analysis. It only involves complex numbers.

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